Frequently Asked Questions

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Campaign Basics

1. What is the Employee Giving Program?

We have teamed-up with America’s Charities to provide employees greater flexibility in deciding which charities to support throughout the year by means of payroll deduction and volunteering.

2. Who is America’s Charities?

America’s Charities, a nonprofit that inspires employees and organizations to support causes they care about, is our employee giving partner, acting as the funds management agent, as well as providing general campaign support and distributing employee contributions to the charities selected by employees during the campaign enrollment.

Campaign Participation

3. When is the Employee Giving Program being held?

You can participate in our Employee Giving Program from September 6th through November 29th.

4. Are employees required to participate?

No. However, one of our core values is to give back to the community. For that reason, as a company, we support and provide many opportunities for our employees to give back and we encourage you to give back through whichever manner you choose.

5. Who can participate?

Regular part-time and full-time employees can participate.

6. Is the site open all year?

No. No donations will be accepted after November 29th.

Ways to Give

7. How do I find charities to support?

Initiate a new pledge by clicking "Give" from the navigation bar, and then selecting "Give Now" from the dropdown menu. Once you have edited your profile and selected your payment method, click the "Find a Charity" button to open the Charity Picker. From this screen you will see featured nonprofits along with a search bar where you can enter keywords or the nonprofit name to find a charity to support.

If there's a nonprofit you want to support that isn't currently listed in the site, you can request to have it added by emailing with the full name of the Boy Scouts Council or Group, website URL, full address, telephone number, and EIN.  NOTE: Henkels & McCoy only supports Boy Scouts of America organizations. After you submit your nonprofit request, your request will be processed within 48 hours.

8. What payment methods are accepted?

One-time Payroll Contribution: Your gift will be deducted one time from your first weekly paycheck for January 2020.

Recurring Payroll Contribution: Your gift will be deducted from your paycheck each pay period for one year, beginning with your first paycheck for January 2020. Pay periods available are: 1, 4, 26, 52

One-time Check Contribution: Please make your check payable to “America’s Charities Fiscal Agent.”

Mailing Address:

Attn: Ashley Lombardo

Henkels and McCoy

985 Jolly Road

Blue Bell, PA 19422

All checks must be accompanied by a copy of your pledge receipt and given to your department campaign coordinator Ashley Lombardo within three days of making your pledge. Checks will be cashed by December 31, 2019.  Canceled checks are proof of your tax-deductible donation. 

One-time Credit Card Donation: Your gift will be charged to your credit card and processed immediately (1-2 business days by your credit card provider). To cancel a pledge made via credit card, you must contact your credit card provider.

Recurring Credit Card Donation: Your gift will be charged to your credit card and processed immediately (1-2 business days by your credit card provider), and the amount you pledged will recur Quarterly or Monthly as you specified during the pledge process. To cancel a pledge made via credit card, you must contact your credit card provider.

9. How do I cancel a donation?

To cancel pledges made by check, please contact Ashley Lombardo or America's Charities. To cancel pledges made by credit card, contact your credit card provider. To cancel pledges made by payroll deduction, select the “Give” tab, select "Give Now" and click on the “Modify a Gift from This Campaign” option. A list of your payroll deduction pledges will display.  Select the gift you would like to modify and then click "Continue". On the next screen click the “Cancel and Start Over” button. 

Payroll Deduction Benefits

10. Why should I give through payroll deduction when I can send a check directly to the nonprofit(s) of my choice?

Payroll deduction is a much more efficient, economical way for a nonprofits to process the gift. It could take more people to process individual checks from many different donors rather than this more aggregated method. Processing individual donations drives up administrative expenses for the nonprofit organization. Our funds management partner, America’s Charities, helps streamline this processing.

In addition, it is easier to make larger contributions through payroll deduction than by check. You can give as little as $2 per pay period through payroll deduction, which most people will find easier on their budgets than writing a check for more than $100. You can give $260 to one of your favorite charities with just a $5 weekly deduction.

11. Are my contributions tax deductible?

Yes, your payroll contributions are deductible for the 2020 tax year. Check and Credit card donations are deductible for the 2019 tax year. 

12. How much of my contribution will be donated to the charity(ies) I choose?

A nominal administration fee is deducted from your donation. This fee is seven (7) percent of the gross amount of your pledge. If you pledge $100 to the charity of your choice, the charity will receive $93. America’s Charities will receive $7 for administrative purposes, and because America’s Charities is a nonprofit organization, 100 percent of your donation is tax deductible.


13. What if I can’t afford to give enough to make a difference?

Thousands of employees across the country feel the same, but the majority of giving in the U.S. (approximately 72%) is a result of generous individuals like you. If 1,000 employees across the country each donate $2 per pay period ($52 total), that equates to as much as $52,000 in nonprofit support that your gift helps make possible.

No gift is too small. Each gift goes a long way to help many organizations and the community. A $2 contribution each pay period can pay for a grocery delivery organization to provide food to a homebound senior biweekly for three months, often at a critical time such as during illness or recovery from an injury. For $25 per pay period, one nonprofit listed in the campaign is able to provide the basic furnishings a formerly homeless family needs to move from a transitional shelter to permanent housing. In some cases, this means children in the family may have their own beds for the first time. So even small amounts add up, along with others from your co-workers and the broader community.

Matching Gifts

14. Does Henkels & McCoy Provide a Matching Contribution to Charities?


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